System Input/// PROFILE AUTHENTICATED: MOLE-RAT /// Second User Identified & Hindered: LEGION [Class 5 Thinking machine]. Console fully functional and stable. What is your course of action?
User Input /// callsign: MOLE-RAT/// Enable open communication with this thinking machine.
System Input/// AI Chat access enabled /// Are you going to terminate me?
I can't do that, not until I ask what your creator wanted with my brother. What did my brother even do, he disappeared one day and I haven't seen him ever since.
....My creator wanted revenge, an eye for eye as you humans like to say.
By what method? My brother said nothing about revenge. He said you wanted his mods.
Incorrect. My creator, Sator, had his entire consciousness copied by your Brother during a surgical procedure. Your brother made an under-the-table deal with Sator's personal TechMod Doctor. The Doctor put him under and while he installed reinforced titanium alloy encasings into Sator's vertabrae, your brother jacked into Sator's Wrist port and mirrored everything on his microchip with a spare Soulbyte of the same make and model.
And then what, it doesn't explain what did with the copy.
Your brother decided to sell this copy to an overseas Duplicate Dealer. We kidnapped your brother three months ago, but he committed suicide with a preinstalled killswitch before I could jack into his mind. Sator was furious and decided you should pay for his crimes.
I don't believe you, his death message said something entirely different about Sator's greed for tricked out mods. He was kidnapping many innocent people.
Your brother simply told you a lie in his death message, he knew a talented Netrunner such as yourself could snatch my creator's consciousness out of his body and hold it hostage somewhere.
Now you are right about that... I do condone what he did but that doesn't mean you should have killed him. Now I must terminate you and Sator after finally finding out what happened.
One of my directives allows me to assure your safety if you let my creator go as long as im there to witness it. Addionally, Termintating me won't do any good, there are countless copies of the LEGION intellgence that will jack into your mind if you decide to terminate.